Something to think about...

...the dignity and importance of the smith's art is at once apparent. While others besides him use hammers, it is to the smith that they all must go for their hammers.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I just made some medieval style socket arrowheads and took some photos of the process. You can find the album here. It also includes some great photos of arrowheads made by the professional British arrowsmith, Hector Cole.



Albert A Rasch said...

Hey Todd!

Is this going to be your main Blog now? Let me know so I can adjust my BlogRoll accordingly. I'll plug this one in right now though.

BTW, nice arrow head!

Albert A Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles

Albert A Rasch said...

Matt, Joel, and Todd,

I went and read the rest of the posts, so I get it now! I've put y'all in my links properly now.

I like the concept of a group of folks that blog on a particular theme. Its more like a magazine than a personal journal. An idea might be for each of you to consider an idea, and see how each of you interpret it. That would be pretty cool.

Anyway, I'll check in regularly.

Oh, check this article out. Steven is going to write a few more on the subject in the near future.

Albert A Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles

hill said...

Thanks, Albert! I've been thinking about you. Need to check out your blog! It's been too long. Yes, I'll be blogging here now. The group blog has some neat potential. Good for interchange too like you suggested.


azmike said...

Todd-so this is where your hanging out--nice point.
i've seen some posts over at Paelo, but can't get signed in/or connected here at home???
when are we going to get together--no FMF at Tais this month (its a tuesday).
keep in touch--azmike

azmike said...

Todd, so how do i get to be part of the backyard guys? (or in my case "garage"). I'm glad to see you are back at it--kinda worried about the bandsaw attack you had.
so when do we get together again--i'm up for some interaction to revive the drive. azmike

The Backyard Smithy said...

Hey Mike. I'm not sure when we can do some forging. This weekend I have an all day birthday party and family get together. The weekend after I've set up an appointment for a friend to come out and help me get our wood stove up and running. Let's tentatively plan something for February 9th. I'll check with Steve on it too. -Todd

azmike said...

Todd--this wkend is my b-day and will be doing that thing with wife and kids. the following wkend to for me is not good--pam is having surgery on that thurday and i will be the wkend nurse/cook and take care of me person---so looks like feb sometime is posible for us both----mike

The Backyard Smithy said...

Well, Happy Birthday, Old Man! :) And I hope surgery goes well with Pam.

Kurogane Michelin said...

I love your ideas on making the socket, im wondering how you formed the blades on the broadheads?? i want to make some myself, any advice?